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2015년도 한국 - 일본 교육행정학회 공동 국제 심포지움

심포지움 주제
: Contemporary Education Policy in East Asia : Challenges and Issues

○ 교육행정학회간에 학술교류를 위하여 2년에 한번씩 공동 국제심포지움을 추진해왔음. 이에 2015년에는 한국에서 한국, 일본, 말레이시아, 대만, 홍콩의 저명 학자를 모셔 학술 심포지움을 가질 예정임

행사 일자
○ 일자 : 2015년 10월 15(목) 14:00 ~ 17:10
○ 장소 : 서울대 호암교수회관, 서울
○ 14:00 ~ 14:15: Welcoming Speech (President of KEAS, S.Y. Kim, Kyungnam
○ 14:15 ~ 14:45: Kai-ming Cheng (Professor, University of Hong Kong China)
○ 14:45 ~ 15:15: Yoshikazu Ogawa (Professor, Hiroshima University)
○ 15:15 ~ 15:45: Ru-Jer Wang (President, National Taichung University of
○ 15:45 ~ 16:00: Coffee Break
○ 16:00 ~ 16:30: Molly Lee (Professor emeritus, University of Saints Malaya)
○ 16:30 ~ 17:00: Chong Jae Lee (Professor emeritus, Seoul National University)
○ 17:00 ~ 17:10: Closing Speech (President of JEAS)

논문 Abstract 및 발표자 Biography

발표자 1. Kai-ming Cheng (Professor, University of Hong Kong China)

Kai-ming Cheng is Emeritus Professor at the University of Hong Kong, where he was Dean of Education, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Senior Advisor to the Vice-Chancellor. He also taught at the Harvard Graduate School of Education as Visiting Professor.

발표자 2. Yoshikazu Ogawa (Professor, Hiroshima University)

Yoshikazu Ogawa is professor of comparative and international education in the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University. He was former professor and director of Asia Joint Degree Project, Tohoku University. He is now editorial chief of Journal of International Education(Japan)and serves on the international editorial board of the journal Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly(Taiwan).

발표자 3. Ru-Jer Wang

Professor Ru-Jer Wang is President, and Professor of Department of Education, National Taichung University of Education, and he is also former President, Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan (HEEACT). Born in Changhua in 1962, he is one of the leading figures in comparative education in Taiwan. From 1998, Professor Wang worked as the director of the Graduate Institute of Education, National Chung Cheng University and then Vice-President, Diwan University. In 2008, he went back to work as a professor at National Taiwan Normal University, from which he got his bachelor degree. From 2011 to 2013, he served as Vice-President/Acting President, National Academy for Educational Research. Professor Wangs fields of study cover comparative education, educational administration, higher education, knowledge based economy and the management of educational knowledge.

발표자 4. Molly N.N. Lee

Dr. Molly N.N. Lee is an education consultant from Malaysia. She is the former Programme Specialist in Higher Education at UNESCO Asia and the Pacific Regional Bureau for Education in Bangkok. Prior to joining UNESCO Bangkok, she has been a Professor of Education in Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang. Her professional expertise is in higher education, teacher education, ICT in education, and education for sustainable development.